
Erasmus+ strategical cooperation project EFFECT
2019 – 2022


The project “Efficiency in adult learning and training” (EFFECT) was implemented during September 2019 to April 2022. Four educational training companies from Estonia (Kasvulava and Loome, DevelopDesign), Latvia (Spring Valley) and Slovakia (Topcoach) developed a curriculum and toolkit for adult educators as a result of an Erasmus+ strategical cooperation project, which aimed to contribute to the challenges with adults who are low-educated or with out of date skills. (Read more about it under “About the project idea”). The project partners shared a common view, that learning efficiency can be increased with the learner centred approach in the learning process. 

Project outcomes


3004, 2022

Learning material: Psychological Barriers to Learning – How can an educator support the learner?

Author: Kadri Kõiv, adult educator, DevelopDesign® Learning results in a change - in one's knowledge, skills or attitudes. Learning can take place both consciously and as planned, as well as unconsciously and spontaneously. Learning is often triggered by some controversial experience or issue, a specific need. In the course of learning, it is not only people's current baggage of knowledge and [...]

3004, 2022

Learning material: The secret of the group dynamics

Author: Rūta Lūse, chairman of the board of organizational development centre “Spring Valley” There is no secret that people in different circumstances tend to behave and interact in different ways. But, despite the fact it’s nothing unusual, the problem is that being in a group, the attitude and behaviour of one person can influence the attitude and behaviour of another [...]

3004, 2022

Learning material: Creativity in adult learning

Author: topcoach team (Veronika Korim & Sona Štefkova) Creativity can mean several things to different people, however it’s generally viewed as a tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and people around us. It is not a single personal trait, but rather a set of traits [...]

 About the project

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